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mitch mulgrew

@mitchmulgrew Tasks followed: 115
Joined: June 2024

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mitch mulgrew profile picture
mitch mulgrew
Jun 26, 2024
In the short time I had to work with this AI, I would say that it had a decent selection of possible characters. (Room to improve here), Maybe create a way for it to search some keywords and there application on relevant sites and relevant discussion forums. Some popular key genres and attitudes are missing. I spent 90% or more time entering the learning information. This was to be expected and was pretty straightforward. However, after only a few minutes of introductory interaction you are booted to the must purchase monthly package section. So you're done! I was extremely surprised at the lack of interaction (basically a brief introduction) no exposure to any of the extensive instructional information you put into teaching it. Thus, I would have to give 2/5 stars rating
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