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Consensual Society Explorer

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ByPeter Strรถmberg
Guiding inquiries into a society of consent and voluntary interactions.
GPT welcome message: Welcome! Let's delve into the ideas of a consensual society.
Sample prompts:
What is a society based on consent like?
What about the week and the poor, will they get help?
Wait. What? Is taxation theft?
But, who would build the roads?
Generated by ChatGPT

The Consensual Society Explorer is a Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) that is designed to facilitate discussions and insights into the concept of a society that is fundamentally based on the principles of consent and voluntary interactions.

The GPT has been developed by Peter Strmberg and aims to provide an interactive platform for users to engage in stimulating conversations around the construct of a consensual society.

Being a GPT, it does this through machine learning, which allows it to understand and respond intelligently to user inputs.Key discussion starters provided by this GPT include thought-provoking questions such as 'What is a society based on consent like?', 'What about the weak and the poor, will they get help?', 'Is taxation theft?' and 'Who would build the roads?'.

These prompts serve to engage users and provoke thoughtful responses around societal structures, economic principles, the role of taxation, and the provision of essential services.

To use the Consensual Society Explorer, one needs to sign up for the ChatGPT Plus service. This GPT hence serves not just as a tool for inquiry and understanding, but also as an educational resource that promotes intelligent discussion on the intricate relations, principles, and complexities that govern the concept of a 'Consensual Society'.

It allows for an immersive exploration of societal and ethical considerations, giving users the opportunity to learn, reflect and dissect integral societal norms and practices through a unique and interactive AI-driven platform.


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Consensual Society Explorer was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on December 13th 2023.
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