Team support 2024-06-18
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AI Sidekick

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Turn your team’s daily Q&A into actionable insights
Generated by ChatGPT

AI Sidekick is a Slack plugin that functions as an executive assistant, designed to meet team-related inquiries. It utilizes GPT technology to provide insightful solutions, aiming to simplify team communication and management.

Without the necessity of going through extensive documentation or scheduling meetings, all inquiries can be resolved. The utility of AI Sidekick involves improving team morale and quickly identifying and resolving any obstacles.

Additionally, the tool allows questions to be asked about team performance, it can even draft emails. The operation of AI Sidekick involves three steps: first, adding the AI Sidekick to Slack and setting up a daily Q&A channel, asking team members to initiate their day with a shortcut and complete a daily Q&A, and then directing any question to Sidekick in a direct message.

Key offerings include a Q&A System for selected users and unlimited chats. Features such as customizable questions and robust support are planned for future releases.

While the technology is advanced, users are advised to critically evaluate the responses as they may be inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading and should cross-verify with multiple sources.


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AI Sidekick was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on June 21st 2023.
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1 alternative to AI Sidekick for Team support

Pros and Cons


Team analytics within Slack
Improves team productivity
Prevents team burnout
Executive assistant functionality
Answers team-related questions
No need to sift through documents
No need to schedule meetings
Provides context-rich insights
Identifies and solves blockers
/in shortcut for daily start
Customizable daily Q&A
Answers any team-related query
Can write emails
Affordable pricing
Q&A system for selected users
Unlimited chat sidekick
Customizable questions (future feature)
24/7 support (in upper package)
Useful for various business sizes
3-step operation
Rapid obstacle identification and resolution
Insightful solutions using GPT technology
Improves team morale
Asks performance related questions
Daily Q&A turned into insights
14 Days Free Trial
Obstacle identification


Expensive Pro Max package
Limited customizable questions
24/7 support only for Max
Inaccurate, incomplete responses
Possible misleading responses
Critical thinking required
Dependency on Slack
Lacks robust documentation
Q&A system limited to some
Not yet fully developed


What is AI Sidekick?
What is the function of AI Sidekick?
How does AI Sidekick improve team morale?
What is the process to use AI Sidekick?
Does AI Sidekick only work in Slack?
What are the key features of Sidekick Pro package?
What additional features the Sidekick Pro Max package offers?
How does the Q&A system of AI Sidekick work?
Is the Q&A system of AI Sidekick customizable?
How can AI Sidekick prevent team burnout?
How does AI Sidekick simplify team management and communication?
Can AI Sidekick draft emails?
What is the cost for Sidekick Pro package?
What is the cost for Sidekick Pro Max package?
Do AI Sidekick provide support for users?
Does AI Sidekick offer trial period?
What are the steps required to add AI Sidekick to Slack?
How reliable is the information provided by AI Sidekick?
Can AI Sidekick identify and solve blockers for my team?
How does AI Sidekick provide actionable insights from team's Q&A?

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