Essay Grading 2024-06-14
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AI Essay Grading for Teachers
Generated by ChatGPT

CoGrader is an AI-enhanced solution designed to aid teachers in grading and providing comprehensive feedback on open-ended assignments. Through its seamless integration with Google Classroom, CoGrader allows for import and export of assignments between platforms.

Its core functionality is grounded in leveraging AI to draft initial feedback and grading suggestions. Fully customizable to align with standard rubrics and specific evaluation criteria, CoGrader aims to streamline the grading process, ensuring consistency and fairness.

In addition to saving time and effort for educators, it further enables them to provide timely, detailed feedback, bolstering student understanding of their performance.

The platform features a class analytics tool, providing a snapshot of class performance to aid planning. Moreover, plans are underway to offer plagiarism detection capabilities to ensure academic integrity.

Finally, CoGrader places importance on student privacy, following FERPA guidelines and using Googles secure system, OAuth2, to ensure the safety of stored answers which it retains solely for the grading service.


Community ratings

Average from 3 ratings.

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Jun 22, 2024
This is by far the most accurate AI grader I've tested. I tested it by posting an essay on my AP Lang facebook group. Essentially asking other AP graders to grade the essay. I scored it a 1/3/0, cograder scored it as a 1/3/0, and the random AP teacher that volunteered to grade the essay scored it a 1/3/0. So that is pretty good. It gives far more feedback than I would. Especially considering how many essays I grade, so it's a huge improvement.
Jun 22, 2024
I'm undecided really. It's pretty good as far as the grading goes but, it's not the only AI service that does that(and other things as well). I think the yearly fee of $150 for a what amounts to a service that does grading is a bit steep. If it was say $7 a month, I'd seriously consider it.
Jun 22, 2024
Hi William, Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate your thoughts on pricing. Our $15/mo plan for unlimited grading reflects the high costs of AI and our focus on quality without big VC backing. We're aiming to be the best in grading accuracy and speed. I hear you on more affordable options. We're considering a lower-priced tier for teachers who grade less frequently. Your $7/mo suggestion is helpful as we explore this. We're always working to improve and value input from educators like you. Thanks for helping us make CoGrader better! Best, Gabe CoGrader Co-founder
Jun 14, 2024
I am absolutely blown away by CoGrader so far! It has been excellent for pre-scoring essays and providing students with comprehensive, usable feedback. It has helped mitigate my subjectivity in scoring as well.

Feature requests

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CoGrader was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on January 6th 2024.

7 alternatives to CoGrader for Essay Grading

Pros and Cons


Google Classroom integration
Automated grading suggestions
Customizable grading criteria
Consistency in grading
Time-saving for educators
Detailed feedback generation
Class performance analytics
Future plagiarism detection
FERPA-compliant privacy
OAuth2 security
Snapshot of class performance
Open-ended assignment capability
Rubric-based grading
Aid in lesson planning
Streamlined grading process
Tailored to educational standards
First-pass feedback on assignments
ChatGPT usage detection
User-friendly interface
Teacher training and support
Manual grade adjustment
Multiple language grading capabilities
Prompt import capability
Generates justification reports
Identifies areas of improvement
Allows for feedback review
Preserves professional judgement
Limits personal bias
Saves grading records
Grades based on State standards
Free product testing in beta
Handles large class sizes
Supports diverse subjects
Speeds up grading process
Supports major LMS integrations
Private student name encoding
Aims for academic integrity
Ensures fair grading system
Simplifies grading process
Promotes meaningful feedback
No external storage of personal info
Import and export assignments easily
Mobile and desktop support


Limited to Google Classroom
No multi-language support
Plagiarism detection still unimplemented
Grade and feedback adjustments needed
Only open-ended assignments supported
Requires detailed instructions for use
Limited support outside US
No integration with other LMS
Timely feedback not necessarily instant
Cannot guarantee 100% cheating detection


What is CoGrader?
How does CoGrader integrate with Google Classroom?
How does CoGrader use AI for grading?
Can I customize the grading criteria on CoGrader?
What kind of feedback does CoGrader provide?
How does CoGrader help ensure consistency and fairness in grading?
Does CoGrader have a plagiarism detection feature?
How does CoGrader handle student privacy?
How does the class analytics tool on CoGrader work?
How does CoGrader help save time for teachers?
Can CoGrader be used with non-rubric based assessments?
How often are performance analytics updated on CoGrader?
Can CoGrader be used for languages other than English?
How is CoGrader's compatibility with other E-Learning platforms?
Can I sign up for a trial of CoGrader?
Can CoGrader detect if a student used AI systems for assignments?
How reliable are CoGrader's AI-generated grading suggestions?
How does CoGrader streamline the import and export process with Google Classroom?
What information does CoGrader store from student assignments?
Does CoGrader offer any training or support for new users?

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