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Detecting and preventing financial crimes.
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Schwarzthal Tech is an AI-driven platform designed for financial crime intelligence. Its expertise and connections bring intelligence solutions based on network assessment, data linkage, flow aggregation, and machine learning to provide insights into strategic risks related to financially motivated crime, money laundering, tax evasion, and fraud.

Schwarzthal Tech's financial crime platform includes tools for KYC, AML, and VAT as well as tools for tracking carbon fraudsters and future frauds on the energy market.

Its features include intelligence, compliance, investigation, media scan, document drill, and transaction monitoring. The platform also offers multi-dimensional risk rating and scoring tools based on semi-supervised learning techniques to enhance compliance functions in a pro-active role.

Schwarzthal Tech's data backbone is a global business registry enriched with information extracted with advance machine learning techniques, allowing for deep-dives in complex transnational crime cases.

Its platform covers the jurisdictions of UK, France, Belgium, Russia, Ireland, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Poland, Panama, and Malta. Schwarzthal Tech is trusted by various organizations, including SFC Capital, Startupbootcamp, London Partners, and the Natwest Group.

It is partnered with Neo4j, Cloud Yandex, and Tweezzle. It is a registered product of Schwarzthal Tech and all rights are reserved.


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Schwarzthal was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on May 29th 2023.
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Pros and Cons


Network assessment
Data linkage
Flow aggregation
Track carbon fraudsters
Future frauds monitoring
KYC tools
AML tools
VAT tools
Multi-dimensional risk rating
Scoring tools
Global business registry
Deep-dives in transnational crime
Broad jurisdiction coverage
Trusted by reputable organizations
Intelligence features
Compliance features
Investigation features
Media scan feature
Document drill feature
Transaction monitoring feature
Partnership with Neo4j
Partnership with Cloud Yandex
Partnership with Tweezzle
KYC & Enhanced Due Diligence
110 million nodes
97 million connections
125 media sources
Text mining in 5 languages
Advanced OCR for documents
Suspicious activity detection
Fraud pattern recognition
Risk assessment tool
Adverse media monitoring
Financial crime news aggregator
Entity and relationship extraction
Key information extraction from documents
Multilingual tool


Limited jurisdiction coverage
Only supports five languages
No native mobile app
No publicly available SDK
Semi-supervised learning constraints
Lacks real-time alerting system
Dependent on external partnerships
Limited integrations with other tools


What is Schwarzthal Tech?
How does Schwarzthal Tech prevent financial crimes?
What specific tools does Schwarzthal Tech provide for financial crime prevention?
How does Schwarzthal Tech's machine learning contribute to crime detection?
What is a multi-dimensional risk rating?
How does the KYC tool of Schwarzthal Tech work?
Does Schwarzthal Tech offer solutions for tracking carbon fraudsters and future frauds on the energy market?
What jurisdictions does Schwarzthal Tech cover?
What organizations trust and use Schwarzthal Tech?
Who are the partners of Schwarzthal Tech?
What is Schwarzthal Tech's role in AML?
How does Schwarzthal Tech use data linkage and flow aggregation in its operation?
How does Schwarzthal Tech's document drill feature work?
What is Schwarzthal Tech's methodology for financial crime investigations?
How does Schwarzthal Tech use advanced machine learning techniques in information extraction?
What does Schwarzthal Tech's media scan entail?
How does Schwarzthal Tech's transaction monitoring system work?
What is the role of Schwarzthal Tech in VAT control?
Is Schwarzthal Tech involved in detecting and preventing money laundering and tax evasion?
How does Schwarzthal Tech use semi-supervised learning techniques in its operation?

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