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Epicurus Vision

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ByJohn Harvey
Offering serene wisdom as an Epicurean philosopher.
GPT welcome message: Greetings, seeker of wisdom and tranquility.
Sample prompts:
What would Epicurus say about modern life?
How can I find happiness?
Create an image reflecting tranquility.
What is true friendship according to Epicurus?
Generated by ChatGPT

Epicurus Vision is a GPT that has been designed to provide insights, advice, and guidance in the style of the ancient philosopher Epicurus, who is known for his philosophy that promotes serenity, simplicity, and the pursuit of genuine happiness.

Users can engage in deep and meaningful conversations with this GPT, asking questions and seeking wisdom on diverse topics related to happiness, friendship, tranquility, and more.

It contains intuitive prompt starters like 'What would Epicurus say about modern life?', 'How can I find happiness?', 'Create an image reflecting tranquility.', and 'What is true friendship according to Epicurus?'.

These prompts aim to assist users in steering the direction of their conversation with the GPT while maintaining the philosophical context. Epicurus Vision also extends its offering to the arts, allowing users to prompt the creation of an image that reflects tranquility.

This GPT is particularly useful for individuals who are interested in philosophy, those seeking serene wisdom in their lives, or those who enjoy intellectual and thought-provoking discussions.

Epicurus Vision emphasizes the Epicurean principle of tranquility and wisdom-seeking as it encourages thoughtful discussion and introspection. However, it's vital to remember that all responses should be used as food for thought and not taken as professional advice.


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Epicurus Vision was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on December 21st 2023.
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