Legal advice 2022-12-21
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Your Legal Document Decoder
Generated by ChatGPT
Detangle is your go-to solution for navigating the complex world of legal documents. It empowers you with the tools you need to decipher legal jargon and make sense of intricate contracts and agreements. While Detangle doesn't replace the expertise of an attorney, it enhances your understanding, allowing you to save time and money on legal matters.

Security is our utmost concern at Detangle. We ensure that all your documents are fully encrypted using AES specifications, and your data is never shared with third parties, guaranteeing the utmost confidentiality.

Your legal assistant, Detangle, simplifies and demystifies legal terminology, ensuring you're not left in the dark when dealing with legal paperwork. By eliminating the need for expensive legal consultations, Detangle can potentially save you thousands in legal fees and provide you with the confidence to handle your legal affairs.

Key features of Detangle include a summary generator that condenses your document into 1-2 paragraphs, making it easier to grasp the core details. The Favor Scale helps you understand which party holds the upper hand in an agreement and why, preventing you from being taken advantage of. Detangle also identifies potentially problematic sections within lengthy documents, ensuring that you don't overlook critical issues.

Money matters are a focal point of any legal document, and Detangle prioritizes financial elements, bringing them to the forefront of your document. It simplifies the language, stripping away legalese to help you understand each paragraph effortlessly.

Detangle AI is committed to providing you with a clear understanding of legal documents at an affordable price. Experience the power of Detangle and take control of your legal affairs today.

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Detangle was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on January 4th 2023.

71 alternatives to Detangle for Legal advice

Pros and Cons


Summarizes videos
Summarizes audio
Summarizes text
Saves user time
Waitlist for new users
Sign up with Google
Sign up with Apple
Email support available
Provides terms of service
Provides privacy policy
Identifies key information quickly
Helps focus on essentials


Must sign up to use
Waitlist for new users
Only Apple or Google signup
No offline option
No API mentioned
Unclear service pricing
May violate user privacy


What is Detangle?
How does Detangle work?
How can I sign up for Detangle?
Can Detangle summarize any type of text, audio, or video?
Are there any limitations to the content Detangle can summarize?
Why is there a waitlist for new users on Detangle?
How can Detangle save me time?
Is there a privacy policy for Detangle?
Where can I review the terms of service for Detangle?
Can I sign up for Detangle with my Apple or Google account?
Where do I send questions or suggestions about Detangle?
What is the technology behind Detangle’s summarization?
How accurate is Detangle's summarization?
How do I get early access to Detangle?
Why should I use Detangle over manual summarization?
Where can I follow Detangle updates?
Can Detangle summarize content in different languages?
Is my data safe with Detangle?
How quickly does Detangle summarize the content?
Does Detangle offer customer support?

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