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College application support and guidance resource.
Generated by ChatGPT

AdmitGPT is an AI-powered tool designed to assist individuals in their college application process. It offers personalized guidance, helping users navigate various aspects such as academic choices, essays, interviews, and scholarship opportunities.

AdmitGPT provides tailored college recommendations based on users' profiles and aspirations, as well as real-time feedback on admission essays to enhance their quality.

It also offers interview preparation by simulating interview scenarios and providing constructive feedback on responses. The tool helps users in finding and applying for scholarships by providing navigation assistance and supporting the creation of winning scholarship essays.

AdmitGPT features an easy-to-use interface accessible across devices and a Chrome extension for user convenience. It is relevant for students, parents, educators, and counselors involved in the college application process.

AdmitGPT aims to streamline the college journey, saving users time and increasing their chances of success. The tool is available through a transparent pricing model, offering a free plan with limited features, a Pro plan with additional benefits like essay assistance and application tracking, as well as a waitlist option to receive special offers and rewards.

Testimonials from users highlight the effectiveness of AdmitGPT in discovering dream colleges, crafting compelling essays, excelling in interviews, and navigating the scholarship landscape.

AdmitGPT is positioned as a reliable and cost-saving resource for college admissions success.


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Nov 19, 2023
Write this text 150 words shorter for me, just don't touch its structure and make the content more compact: "My primary reason for choosing this specialty is my fear of driving, which stems from an incident 10 years ago in which my cousin was killed in a car accident. This event deeply saddened me, and I wished that no one would lose their life in a car accident. Upon discovering this transportation specialization. I hope to make even a contribution to the field of transportation to prevent others from experiencing the loss of a loved one due to accidents. I collaborated with a team on green concrete, I worked on a concrete design mix. I also worked with a special type of plaster used in historical buildings but it has a problem of quick setting time, we improved the fresh mixture characteristics by using polymer additives to improve the mixture properties for both the fresh and hardened state. My team and I went to an Innovation and Technology Exhibition (RINOTEX) in an attempt to locate sponsors for the equipment and money we needed to continue our research, and we were successful. This accomplishment during the COVID-19 pandemic is indicative of our dedication to and proficiency in the research. Recognizing the level of support and resources available, I am confident that, as a highly creative student, I can conduct excellent research during my doctoral studies at this university. Being someone who never limits themselves, I believe that by being at this university, I can leverage my ideas to conduct impactful research in the field of transportation engineering during my doctoral studies. I am committed to fostering positive relationships with all professors, establishing strong connections, and collaborating on outstanding research projects not only within the university but also with professors from other institutions. This collaborative approach will enable me to make significant contributions to the University of Minnesota in transportation engineering."
Nov 19, 2023
My primary reason for choosing this specialty is my fear of driving, which stems from an incident 10 years ago in which my cousin was killed in a car accident. This event deeply saddened me, and I wished that no one would lose their life in a car accident. Upon discovering this transportation specialization. I hope to make even a contribution to the field of transportation to prevent others from experiencing the loss of a loved one due to accidents. I collaborated with a team on green concrete, I worked on a concrete design mix. I also worked with a special type of plaster used in historical buildings but it has a problem of quick setting time, we improved the fresh mixture characteristics by using polymer additives to improve the mixture properties for both the fresh and hardened state. My team and I went to an Innovation and Technology Exhibition (RINOTEX) in an attempt to locate sponsors for the equipment and money we needed to continue our research, and we were successful. This accomplishment during the COVID-19 pandemic is indicative of our dedication to and proficiency in the research. Recognizing the level of support and resources available, I am confident that, as a highly creative student, I can conduct excellent research during my doctoral studies at this university. Being someone who never limits themselves, I believe that by being at this university, I can leverage my ideas to conduct impactful research in the field of transportation engineering during my doctoral studies. I am committed to fostering positive relationships with all professors, establishing strong connections, and collaborating on outstanding research projects not only within the university but also with professors from other institutions. This collaborative approach will enable me to make significant contributions to the University of Minnesota in transportation engineering.

Feature requests

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AdmitGPT was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on September 26th 2023.
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13 alternatives to AdmitGPT for College admission counseling

Pros and Cons


Personalized college guidance
Real-time essay feedback
Interview scenario simulations
Constructive response feedback
Scholarship navigation aid
Scholarship essay support
Cross-device accessibility
Chrome extension
Useful for various stakeholders
Transparent pricing model
Free plan availability
Pro plan additional benefits
Waitlist for special offers
Promotional discounts
Helps discover dream colleges
Enhances essay quality
Prepares for interviews
Supports scholarship applications
Streamlines application process
Saves user time
Increase success chances
User-friendly interface
Application tracking in Pro plan
Extracurricular activity guidance
Scholarship search assistance
College research resources
Admission deadline reminders


No API provided
Limited features on free plan
No live chat support
Requires Chrome for full experience
Limited compatibility across devices
No offline accessibility
Lacks multi-user support
No localization for non-English speakers
No integration with common education platforms
Dependant on user-provided data accuracy


What is AdmitGPT?
What features does AdmitGPT offer?
How does AdmitGPT assist with college applications?
How can AdmitGPT help in improving my college admission essays?
What role does AdmitGPT play in preparing for college interviews?
Can AdmitGPT provide guidance on scholarship opportunities?
Does AdmitGPT give personalized college recommendations?
Is AdmitGPT easy to use and accessible through multiple devices?
Can AdmitGPT help educators and counselors in the college application process?
What kind of pricing plans does AdmitGPT offer?
Does AdmitGPT have any special offers?
How has AdmitGPT helped previous users in their college application process?
Is AdmitGPT suitable for parents as well as students?
What is the AdmitGPT Chrome extension used for?
How can I join the AdmitGPT waitlist and what benefits do I get?
What is the AdmitGPT Pro plan?
How does AdmitGPT help with college research?
How does the AI in AdmitGPT function?
Can AdmitGPT guide me through my extracurricular activity choices?
What is the application tracking system that comes with the Pro plan?

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