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Face Shape AI

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The Gesichtsform bestimmen mit KI (Determining Face Shape with AI) tool allows users to identify their face shape by uploading a photo. The tool utilizes a combination of image processing and AI algorithms to analyze the uploaded photo and detect facial features such as eyes, nose, mouth, and contours.

By applying mathematical and statistical techniques, the tool determines the user's face shape. The AI models have been trained extensively with a large dataset to ensure accurate and reliable results.Various information is extracted from the uploaded photo, including the position and shape of the eyes, nose, mouth, and facial contours, which serve as the basis for the face shape analysis.

User privacy is prioritized, and the uploaded photos are not stored permanently on the website. The tool is offered free of charge to all users, supported by website advertising.While the AI demonstrates high accuracy in determining face shape, occasional slight variations or uncertainties may occur, particularly with poor quality photos or unclear facial recognition.

Currently, the tool only supports individual face analysis in uploaded photos and may not be able to accurately analyze face shapes in group photos.The AI recognizes different face shapes, including round, oval, elongated, heart-shaped, and square.

It has been trained with a wide range of face shapes to cover as many variations as possible. Users can enhance the accuracy of the analysis by uploading well-lit photos with clear visibility of the face, avoiding hindrances such as hair or accessories that could impact the analysis.There are no limits on the number of face shape analyses users can perform on the website.

They can upload different photos and compare the results to obtain the most accurate assessment of their face shape.


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Face Shape AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on July 1st 2023.
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1 alternative to Face Shape AI for Face shape recognition

Pros and Cons


Identifies various face shapes
Uses mathematical techniques
Extensive training of models
Facial feature detection
Privacy prioritized
Doesn’t store photos permanently
Free of charge
Supported by advertising
High accuracy with clear photos
Allows unlimited analyses
Analyzing individual faces
Analysis depends on photo quality
Provision for comparing different photo results
Encourages well-lit photos for accuracy
Can detect eye, nose, mouth


Doesn't support group photos analysis
Poor performance on low-quality photos
Inaccurate with obscured facial features
Doesn't store uploaded photos
Relies heavily on user-provided pictures
Slight variations in results
Dependent on clear facial visibility
No advanced editing features
Analyses only traditional face shapes
Supported by advertising
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