Infographics 2023-02-06
Infographic Ninja icon

Infographic Ninja

By unverified author. Claim this AI
Generated infographics from keywords and titles.
Generated by ChatGPT

Outline Ninja’s “Infographic Ninja” is an automated infographic generator tool powered by AI. It is designed to provide users with the ability to quickly and easily convert keywords into an infographic format, allowing for easier understanding and sharing of information.

The tool requires a keyword and title to be provided initially, and then uses AI to generate the remainder of the info. The demo offers a glimpse into the features and capabilities of the tool, and users can subscribe to unlock the full version.

Accessibility options are also available, such as adjustable text size, color, contrast, and cursor size. Outline Ninja provides the terms and conditions of use and a privacy policy, ensuring that users’ data is protected.


Community ratings

Average from 7 ratings.

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Nov 22, 2023
It took me less than 20 minutes to create infographic perfection- all the other AI design sites I tried, and I tried them all, weren't able to give me what I wanted in 1 way or another. Outline Ninja helped me create my infographic
Sep 19, 2023
Quick basic infographic. Not recommended for any real projects, but it only takes 30 seconds with the free (watermarked) demo.
Sep 8, 2023
It doesnt appear you can customize the infographics in any way shape or form. Its just random generation
Aug 8, 2023
Structure was too rigid and would not allow for flexibility in the sample test.
Aug 7, 2023
Jul 26, 2023
The state of education in Nigeria: Challenges and opportunities Education is essential for the growth and development of any nation, and Nigeria is no exception. However, the state of education in Nigeria has been a major concern for decades. Despite being the most populous country in Africa and having the largest economy, Nigeria has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world, with only 59% of the adult population able to read and write. Here I will discuss the challenges facing the Nigerian education system and opportunities for improvement. Challenges Facing Education in Nigeria: 1. Inadequate Funding: One of the most significant challenges facing education in Nigeria is inadequate funding. Despite government promises to allocate 26% of its annual budget to education, this has not been achieved, with the sector receiving less than 10% of the budget in recent years (UNESCO, 2021). This has resulted in a lack of resources, inadequate facilities, and low teacher salaries. No alt text provided for this image LREF workshop 2. Low Teacher Quality: Nigeria also faces a challenge with low teacher quality, with many teachers lacking the necessary qualifications and training. In addition, there is a shortage of teachers, especially in rural areas, where many schools have few or no qualified teachers. According to UNESCO (2021), Nigeria needs an additional 277,537 teachers to meet the minimum requirement for teacher-pupil ratio. 3. Poor Infrastructure: The Nigerian education system suffers from inadequate infrastructure, with many schools lacking basic facilities such as classrooms, desks, and chairs. This has resulted in overcrowding, with some classrooms having up to 100 students per teacher (Oyebade, 2020). Additionally, many schools lack basic amenities such as electricity and water supply, making it difficult to deliver quality education. 4. Curriculum Issues: The Nigerian education system's curriculum has been criticized for being outdated and irrelevant to the country's needs. This has resulted in a mismatch between the skills acquired by graduates and the skills required by the job market, leading to high levels of unemployment among Nigerian graduates (Ibe, 2019). Opportunities for Improvement: 1. Increased Government Funding: One of the most significant opportunities for improvement in the Nigerian education system is increased government funding. The government must fulfill its promise of allocating 26% of its budget to education and ensure that the funds are used effectively and efficiently. 2. Embracing Technology: Nigeria has a high level of mobile phone penetration, with over 140 million active mobile phone lines (NCC, 2021). This presents an opportunity to leverage technology to improve education delivery, especially in areas where there is a shortage of teachers. Technology can be used to deliver e-learning platforms, distance learning, and online courses to students, improving access to education. 3. Quality Teacher Training: To address the low quality of teachers in Nigeria, there is a need for a significant investment in teacher training and development. This will ensure that teachers have the necessary qualifications and training to deliver quality education to students. 4. Curriculum Reform: The Nigerian government needs to review and update the education curriculum to ensure that it is relevant to the needs of the country and the job market. This will ensure that Nigerian graduates acquire the skills and knowledge required to compete in the job market and contribute to the country's economic development. Lion Reach Educational Foundation is playing an important role in addressing the challenges facing the Nigerian education system. The organization's focus on consultancy, volunteerism, capacity building, and infrastructural development has the potential to improve the quality of education in Nigeria in a comprehensive manner. Through consultancy, the organization is providing expertise and advice to schools and education organizations that are interested in improving their education delivery systems. This involves everything from curriculum design to teacher training and is a key part of the organization's efforts to improve the quality of education in Nigeria. Volunteerism is also an essential part of the organization's mission. The foundation has a committed group of volunteers who work in schools across Nigeria, providing extra help to students who are struggling and supporting teachers who need assistance. Capacity building is another key area of the organization's work. The organization is working with teachers and administrators to help them develop the skills and knowledge that they need to provide their students with quality education. Conclusion: The state of education in Nigeria is a cause for concern, with inadequate funding, poor infrastructure, low teacher quality, and an outdated curriculum being some of the key challenges facing the sector. However, there are opportunities for improvement, such as increased government funding, embracing technology, quality teacher training, and curriculum reform. By addressing these challenges and taking advantage of these opportunities, Nigeria can improve its education system and provide its citizens with the skills and knowledge necessary for the country's growth and development.

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Infographic Ninja was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on February 6th 2023.
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8 alternatives to Infographic Ninja for Infographics

Pros and Cons


Generates infographics from keywords
Easily converts text into infographics
Offers demo for testing
Subscription-based full version
Has accessibility options
Adjustable text size
Adjustable color and contrast
Offers adjustable cursor size
Provides terms and conditions
Has a privacy policy
Data protection measures
Menu for easy navigation
Support & FAQs available
Web scanner
Keyword and Title requirements
Outline Ninja logo for brand recognition
Reset Settings option
Contact Us feature for support
Zoom Screen feature
Concise infographics
Simplified information sharing
White and Black Cursor options
High contrast modes
Images titles for better understanding
Underline Headers and Links feature
Readable text optimisation


Requires initial keyword and title
Subscription needed for full features
Doesn't support multiple languages
Limited formatting options
No collaborative features
Limited integration options
No offline version
No mobile application
Doesn't accept synonyms of keywords
Infographics can't be customized


What is Infographic Ninja?
How does Infographic Ninja work?
What do I need to start using Infographic Ninja?
How does Infographic Ninja use AI to generate infographics?
Can I adjust the text size in Infographic Ninja?
Does Infographic Ninja have adjustable color and contrast options?
Is there a difference between the demo and the full version of Infographic Ninja?
How can I subscribe to the full version of Infographic Ninja?
What accessibility features does Infographic Ninja offer?
Do I need to provide both a keyword and a title for Infographic Ninja to work?
Does Infographic Ninja have a privacy policy?
Can Infographic Ninja create an infographic from any keyword?
Does the generated infographic from Infographic Ninja come with pre-set colors, or can I customize them?
Can I adjust the cursor size in Infographic Ninja?
How effective is Infographic Ninja in making complex information comprehensible?
Are there restrictions to the information that can be turned into an infographic by Infographic Ninja?
How can I report an accessibility problem in Infographic Ninja?
Is there a limit to the amount of keywords that can be used with Infographic Ninja?
Do I need any design skills to use Infographic Ninja effectively?
What are the terms of use for Infographic Ninja?

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