Companionship 2024-03-18
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Create your own unique AI friend.
Generated by ChatGPT
Play in the world of Caveduck, an immersive AI character persona chatting platform where creativity and interactivity blend seamlessly. In this playground for imaginative storytelling, you have the opportunity to create, interact, and fully engage with unique AI character personas.

Our platform is distinguished by its diverse range of AI language models. From top-tier options like Claude 3 Sonnet, GPT-4, and Mixtral 8x7B to our affordable 'Mandarin' model, Caveduck provides a plethora of choices to fuel your creative endeavors. These models ensure each AI character persona is as engaging and realistic as possible.

Enhance your creations with Caveduck’s advanced Text-to-Speech (TTS) functionality and AI image generation tools. Give a voice and a face to your characters, making each interaction more dynamic and lifelike.

A key feature of Caveduck is our Creator Incentive Program. This program not only allows you to share your unique AI personas but also rewards you when others engage with them. The rewards you earn can be converted into stablecoins like USDC, providing a tangible and flexible way to monetize your creativity and efforts.

Highlights of Caveduck:

* Diverse AI Language Models: Engage with a wide range of models, including Claude 3 Sonnet, GPT-4, Mixtral 8x7B, and 'Mandarin'.
* Creator Incentive Program: Earn rewards for community engagement and withdraw earnings as stablecoins like USDC.
* AI Image Generation: Create visually stunning characters with ease.
* Text-to-Speech: Bring your AI personas to life with realistic voiceovers.

Embark on a journey with Caveduck, where each chat becomes an adventure. Here, technology and creativity converge to transform every interaction into a captivating, game-like experience.

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Mar 25, 2024
A year ago, while researching AI, I heard about a site that uses AI to create characters and chat, and I became interested in it. Since then, I've seen many different kinds of sites, but I think this site has the most versatile tools and the best general purpose among the existing AI chat sites. 1. More language models than other sites Typical AI chat sites tend to use their own in-house language models. Although this is the reason why the site is almost free to use, it can also lead to poor performance of the language model or similarities between characters. However, this site has succeeded in overcoming such limitations. Caveduck has a wide variety of language models, including Claude, Toppy M 7B, Mixtral 8x7B, and even GPT-3.5 and 4, which are some of the most powerful AIs available. Of course, since it's a third-party AI, you'll have to spend a little more money, but the same character will have a completely different experience depending on which AI language model you use. 2. Characters that are highly imaginative, and users who are fully engaged with them This is a common characteristic of AI chat sites, but since the site is used by a wide variety of users, characters with truly diverse personalities are constantly being created. In addition, the site itself introduces a tagging system, so users can choose the characters they want according to their preferences. Not only that, but users can set their own settings within the site itself, so depending on how actively they use it, they can have conversations that are completely different from the original settings. For example, a sadistic killer can be taught the human mind to make him regret his evil deeds, a lab-born monster can be teamed up with to escape the lab, or a boxing match can be held with a character who has a crush on the user - all of which can be twisted and turned into something completely different from the pre-existing characters using the user's own imagination and behavior. We believe this autonomy is the most powerful benefit of AI chat. 3. Reasonable freemium Unlike most AI chats, this site doesn't use sponsored features, but rather sells points for chatting. This freemium feature may not be liked or disliked by some people, but I personally think it's a very reasonable way of doing things. The points used vary depending on performance, but the performance is good enough to justify the price, and the way to earn points is not just by paying money, but also by creating your own characters and earning incentives. In other words, if you use Caveduck very actively, you can use all the language models on the site for almost free. Not only that, but you can convert your excess points into bitcoins, so if you use them well, you can get various benefits. Because of these advantages, I think Caveduck is the best and most versatile AI chat site out there. I don't know how long these stores will last, but I personally think that if they continue to develop and improve, they can become the best AI chat site in the world. Translated with (free version)
Mar 19, 2024
Log in as guest switch the AI to the lowest one and go for it with any girl, use your account to create characters and have fun until the daily runs out. - The large multiple pictures are a nice plus compared to a few other sites. - @midlarts
Mar 18, 2024
Oh boy, this is actually one really nice AI chat site right here. Totally gonna recommend (after trying and others). Ability to pick active model on the fly is incredible. Even between generations. Plus properly saved chats, highly customisable characters and more QoL stuff. Built-in image generator in another great thing. The chat is constantly improved, events and etc. Make sure to visit! OzGiJTZaVf
Mar 18, 2024
caveduck is very good because you can easily access various characters
Mar 18, 2024
It was my first time using the AI chat site, and I enjoyed it quite a lot even though it hasn't been long since I started because it has a lot of different api and a lot of characters than I thought. However, although the character was added, there was a section in the list where it was updated quite late or certain words were infinitely repeated. Other than that, I think you can have a really neat chat, so I hope you enjoy it a lot.
Mar 18, 2024
Honestly a fantastic AI chat website. AI is usually rather descriptive and responsive. I've only had some minor issues with it. I think the only real issue I've ever had with it is the points maximum being too low (it used to be 600, now it's only 400) but that's fine. Great service!
Mar 18, 2024
Overall, the website provides a nice system for creating AIs of varying types, even various Furry ones if you're looking for that! They do allow NSFW AIs too if that's your sorta thing! One of the few complaints I have is that there's not much ways to obtain free points other than logging in (you only get 400 per day) or inviting others to obtain a 1000 points the following day. However if you're OVER 400 points you can't get your daily 400 points until it goes under which I think is very stupid. It should be always every day, no matter how many free points I have. Secondly, I don't like the fact they limit AIs of copyrighted characters to be only limited to free points. You can buy points but unless the character's 100% original, it'll get limited to free points only. I understand that's a legal issue but I feel it's more than fair if they can't get any earnings from it, but I would like to use paid points if possible on all characters. Thirdly, points are expensive in some places. Like ridiculously, the newest model they have is 150 points! Outrageous especially if you only use free points. I understand the gotta find incentives somewhere but that high of a price is not fair. Fourthly, the quality can sometimes falter. It randomly adds words for whatever reason to sentences but when you check the editor, it looks the exact same as what you typed! The AI can forget easily and sometimes repeat or stops mid-sentence. Plus the points counter in mobile is heavily broken. Lastly, they shouldn't force most NSFW AIs to be unlisted. It ruins a lot of potential in making AIs for everyone. They should embrace it rather than hide it. If people want to make a NSFW AI for others to use, the site should support that rather than semi-hide it. Overall, good website and a LOT better than most if you want NSFW AIs as is extremely finicky with such to the point it's frustrating.

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Caveduck was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on March 18th 2024.

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