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Get tailored market reports and real-time snapshots.
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Plus AI is a tool that enables users to obtain custom market research reports on businesses, industries, or potential investments by utilizing the latest AI technologies.

The tool creates an easy-to-digest presentation after receiving a topic from the user, with the option to customize the presentation and share it with coworkers.

In addition to market research reports, Plus AI also provides the ability to capture live snapshots of any app or website to create self-updating images, with versions that are easily accessible.

This feature can be used to build dashboards, QBRs, sales presentations, and automate client reports. Plus AI can be integrated with popular tools such as Notion, Slack, Coda, and Confluence.

The tool offers a Chrome extension that enables users to take snapshots and embed them directly in their favorite tools. Plus AI also provides an option to generate a research report, automate client presentations for pitch meetings, create online courses and training materials, and develop the first draft of a strategy or research presentation.

Plus AI caters to teams and individuals looking for a simpler way to extract value from their tools without struggling to aggregate data. The tool’s users have praised its ability to build dashboards with no training or extra tools required, which can save teams hours of work each week.


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Plusdocs was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on May 30th 2023.
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2 alternatives to Plusdocs for Market research reports

Pros and Cons


Tailored market reports
Real-time snapshots
Custom presentation options
Live snapshots of websites
Self-updating images
Version history access
Integration with popular tools
Chrome extension availability
Automated report generation
Pitch meeting presentation automation
Online courses creation
Training materials production
Strategy and research presentation
Streamlined value extraction
No training required for dashboards
Time-saving capability for teams
Webinar decks creation
Copy and paste elimination
Fresh snapshots
Embedding ability in other tools
Complimentary market research report
Google slides integration
Easy snapshot capture
Screen shots of any website
Used by productive teams
Perfect for executive meetings
First draft of strategy creation


Limited integration options
No native app
Dependent on Chrome extension
Snapshot functionality may slow down browser
Limited training materials for beginners
No API for custom programmability
Cannot aggregate data from multiple sources
Dependent on third-party platform reliability
Might not cover niche industries
Single output format (slides)


What is Plus AI?
How can I obtain market research reports using Plus AI?
Can I customize the presentation created by Plus AI?
Can Plus AI help in capturing live snapshots of any app or website?
How can Plus AI be integrated with tools like Notion, Slack, Coda, and Confluence?
What does the Plus AI’s Chrome extension do?
Can Plus AI generate a research report?
Is Plus AI suitable for team usage?
How can Plus AI assist in creating online courses and training materials?
Can Plus AI develop the first draft of strategy or research presentations?
How to use Plus AI for capturing Snapshots?
Is there a feature of version history in Plus AI for Snapshots?
Can Snapshots be embedded in other tools?
Is there a free trial available for Plus AI?
What type of slide decks does Plus AI work for?
How does Plus AI’s 'self-updating' image feature work?
Who are some users of Plus AI and what do they say about the tool?
What are the steps to get a custom market research report using Plus AI?
What are the available integrations for Plus AI?
Does Plus AI provide any security features?

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