Polite rejections 2023-10-22
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Gentle Rejector

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Crafts personalized polite rejections.
GPT welcome message: Welcome! Please upload a screenshot of the dating profile for a customized rejection message. Your privacy is guaranteed.
Sample prompts:
How do I say no after a date politely?
Can you help me with a message for someone I'm not into?
Need advice to gently let someone down. Suggestions?
Please make me feel better because dating is hard!
Generated by ChatGPT

Gentle Rejector is a bot developed atop the ChatGPT model, intended for crafting personalized polite rejection messages. As a specialized GPT, it carefully balances tact and honesty to help users communicate their sentiments considerately.

The bot requires users to provide date details to tailor its responses, ensuring that the rejection messages it crafts are suitable and personalized. The primary use case extends to dating scenarios, particular to relationships where the user decides to step back but finds it challenging to pen down a considerate rejection.

The bot's requests for date details aim to make the responses more relevant to the user's unique situation. Moreover, several prompt starters are available to users for crafting rejection messages, including requests for polite refusal after a date, a message for someone they're not interested in, advice for letting someone down gently, and reassurance when they're finding dating difficult.

Gentle Rejector's primary priorities include user privacy, as emphasized by its guarantee that information shared remains confidential to enable more open and honest communication.

Amid the rising number of online dating experiences, this tool offers an empathetic approach to the typically uncomfortable process of turning someone down.

Gentle Rejector bridges a gap, providing a softer landing pad for those on the receiving end, while also making the sender's task less stressful.


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Gentle Rejector was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on December 25th 2023.
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