Sketch to image 2024-06-17
Roughly icon


Unleash your creative potential with Roughly.
Generated by ChatGPT

Roughly is an innovative platform that offers an enhanced level of visual expression for creative individuals or teams, providing the opportunity to translate their visions into reality.

Roughly's target audience is wide, catering to all sorts of creative outputs like architecture, portraiture, interior design, gaming, character creation, landscapes, fashion, movies, sculptures, and even sneaker design.

It is designed to stimulate the user's creativity in an uncomplicated, intuitive way, similar to how a child would instinctively illustrate their thoughts.

At the same time, despite its simplicity, the software allows for a professional level of creation, meeting the demands of innovative artists and creators.

A supportive community is formed around the platform, with options to join and interact with the creators and other users, discussing thoughts, ideas, and feedback, which reinforces the collaborative atmosphere.

In order to cater to the user's needs in line with privacy rights, Roughly abides by a standard privacy policy and terms of service.


Community ratings

Average from 4 ratings.

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Mar 7, 2024
It's kind of lame to promise the moon and deliver essentially nothing.
Oct 26, 2023
Very interesting AI tool.
Feb 10, 2024
Yes you're right.
Nov 2, 2023
Loving this tool!

Feature requests

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Roughly was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on May 1st 2023.
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26 alternatives to Roughly for Sketch to image

Pros and Cons


Converts ideas into visuals
Unparalleled visual expression
User-friendly interface
Caters to all skill levels
Extensive range of functions
Multiple design templates
Privacy policy inclusion
Tool continuously updated
Free to use
Supports different creative outlets
Design customizability
Sketch to image feature
Visualize ideas digitally
Supports professional-level creation
Innovative architecture templates
Portraits creation features
Interior design tools
Game design features
Character creation functions
Landscape art add-ons
Fashion design tools
Movie design features
Tools for sculpture design
Features for sneaker design
Simple sign up process
Community interaction enabled
Versatile design tool
Inclusive, supportive community
Child-like creativity stimulation
Privacy rights adherence
Regular tool enhancements
Translates visions to reality
Express creativity freely
Collaborative atmosphere fostering
Large user base
Collaboration with creators
Feedback reception mechanism
Terms of service provided
Positive user reviews
Discord support forum
Availability on social platforms


Requires request for access
No offline mode
No mobile version
Limited template variety
Potentially overwhelming for beginners
Lacks advanced editing tools
No data export options
Doesn't support third-party integrations
Limited community interaction
Unclear update frequency


What is Roughly?
What are the key features of Roughly?
How can I use Roughly for architecture designing?
Is Roughly easy to use for beginners?
How does Roughly help in creating character designs?
What kind of designs can I create with Roughly?
Can I use Roughly for professional creations?
Is Roughly a free tool?
How do I sign up for Roughly?
What privacy policies does Roughly adhere to?
How often is Roughly updated?
Can I use Roughly for movie design?
What is the process to convert ideas into digital formats on Roughly?
Who is the target audience for Roughly?
How can I interact with other users on Roughly?
Can I design interiors with Roughly?
What kind of community is Roughly building?
Can I use Roughly for fashion design?
How can Roughly stimulate my creativity?
What are the terms of service for using Roughly?
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