SEO content 2024-06-18
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SEO Writing AI

1-click SEO-optimized articles generation
Generated by ChatGPT

SEO WRITING is an artificial intelligence (AI) based writing tool dedicated to generating search engine optimized (SEO) content, such as articles, blog posts, and affiliate content.

It prioritizes user convenience by offering a one-click function to create content and facilitating auto-publishing on WordPress platforms. User can produce a bevy of content types including product roundups, reviews, and how-to guides.

To achieve this, users need to provide a brief and let the AI generate the content. SEO WRITING also accelerates product listing creation, allowing users to generate entire, informative listings by simply inputing product URLs.

In addition, it aids in achieving higher SEO ranking by guiding users on keyword optimization. It utilizes GPT-3 and other machine learning technologies to enable generation of content at high speeds.

For affiliate content, the platform offers over 20 pre-trained models to assist in creating effective titles, descriptions, outlines, and more. Users can track and manage their documents in a list format akin to Google Docs, enabling easy creation, editing, and deletion.

The solution makes generating content easy. After providing initial data, a single click initiates the generation process, with the batch auto-posting feature allowing the publication or scheduling of up to 100 articles simultaneously to WordPress.

Further, SEO WRITING is versatile and caters to multi-lingual content needs, offering support in 48 languages. It includes an image generation feature, allows for automatic generation of NLP keywords, and provides settings for automatic article publication.

It is also equipped with a tool for optimizing content for first page rankings and an add-on for creating Amazon product lists, aiding with product descriptions and other details.

Proven by its extensive usage, many bloggers, entrepreneurs, and marketers utilize SEO WRITING for their content creation needs.


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Jul 1, 2024
there is no free version. if you want to try, it will block the website(((
Apr 25, 2024
Reading a text using a female speaker
Jan 11, 2024
At my agency, Popproxx, we frequently use AI tools for content creation, particularly for blogs and e-commerce. Of all the tools we've used, SEOwritingAI stands out as the best for content creation. It's a game-changer in how it blends GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 128k, providing not just coherent and engaging content but also ensuring it's optimized for SEO through analyzing keyword density. This feature has been invaluable in boosting our client's search engine visibility. Moreover, the tool's ability to structure content with key takeaways, tables, lists, and more, not only enriches the readability of our content but also enhances user engagement. SEOwritingAI is a must-have for any content-driven business looking to make a significant impact.
Oct 29, 2023
सफलता की ओर चलने से सफलता मिलती ना की सोचते रहने से I
Oct 27, 2023
Once upon a time, in a small village nestled among rolling hills, there lived a farmer named John. John was known throughout the village for his unwavering dedication and tireless work ethic. From the break of dawn until dusk, he could be found tending to his crops, nurturing his animals, and ensuring that his farm flourished. Despite facing numerous challenges such as unpredictable weather, pests, and fluctuating market prices, John never wavered in his determination. He would rise early every morning, long before the sun peeked over the horizon, to start his day. With calloused hands and a determined spirit, he would plow the fields, plant the seeds, and carefully tend to each plant, making sure they received just the right amount of water and nutrients. His hard work paid off, and soon his farm became the talk of the region. John's produce was known for its exceptional quality, and people from neighboring villages would come to purchase his fruits and vegetables. His livestock, too, thrived under his care, providing the village with fresh milk, eggs, and meat. However, his success wasn't merely a result of his diligence; it was also a reflection of his kind and helpful nature. John was always ready to lend a hand to his neighbors in times of need. He would offer advice, share his tools, and even provide surplus produce to those who were less fortunate. As the years passed, John's hard work and generosity brought him not just financial success but also the respect and admiration of the entire village. His story became a source of inspiration for the younger generation, teaching them the value of perseverance, kindness, and the rewards of a dedicated work ethic. Even in the face of challenges, John's unwavering commitment to his farm and community served as a shining example of the transformative power of hard work and the profound impact it can have on those around us.
Sep 30, 2023
The website is garbage, it only ever leads to the subscription plan.....
Sep 28, 2023
Our love's like an R
Sep 28, 2023
Let me start out by saying I'm a real person. This is a real review. Don't believe me? Whatever I don't care. I've tried multiple AI tools. Ive been cautious going all in letting AI write all of my content. After I tried this tool, especially the Bulk Article Generator, I am a believer. I wiill go to this tool time and time again to build topical authority. It does require a human to go back in and scan the article but otherwise it is outstanding. I'm excited because I actually see myself being able to build systems with this and get the majority of my time to finally go back to making Youtube videos. This tool is outstanding. Is it worth it? Absolutely. [Pros: Article quality, Customer Service, Factual Information in articles, Ease of posting to website] [Cons: The images can come out a little wonky sometimes but that is not entirely their fault. AI Image generators are still getting better everyday. Plus the amount of great photos you get in the process it's really worth it. Think 70 great images 30 funny ones. If you don't like those numbers then go for one image per article and then go make your own images in a different tool. ] Hope this helps you as much as this tool helps me.
Sep 14, 2023
I’ve been using to write blogs for my website and it’s been really helpful. This tool is great for bloggers because it writes articles that are optimized for search engines. It includes important keywords that help the articles rank higher on Google. The best part is, I don’t need to use any other tool for optimizing my articles. In simpler terms, makes writing blogs easier and improves the quality of the content. It smoothly adds important keywords into the articles without affecting how they read. This tool has made my blogging work more efficient and effective. If you want to improve your website’s performance on search engines and the quality of your content, I would definitely recommend
Jun 7, 2023
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SEO Writing AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on June 7th 2023.
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Pros and Cons


Generates SEO-optimized articles
Available in 48 languages
Offers bulk generation
Auto-publishes on WordPress
Creates long-form content
Generates detailed product listings
Optimizes articles for search results
Utilizes GPT-3 and machine learning technologies
Offers 20+ pre-trained models for affiliate content
Includes a built-in editor
Real-time text quality checker
Reviewed positively by over 1000 users
Generates content with just one click
Auto-posts up to 100 articles in a batch
Compatible with Google Docs
Allows automatic generation of NLP keywords
Includes an image generation feature
Schedule automatic article publication
Tool for optimizing content for first page rankings
Add-on for creating Amazon product lists
Generates up to 1000+ articles in hours
Offers a free plan
Auto-citation feature
Brand Voice, API and other features coming soon
Allows external linking
BBilled yearly -25% discount
Used by 10,000+ bloggers, entrepreneurs, and marketers


No offline availability
Not open source
No manual keyword input
No mobile app
Limited to WordPress
Inability to edit generated content
Single user interface
Limited to GPT-3 technology
No API accessibility
Images not optimized for SEO


What is SEO Writing?
How does SEO Writing generate SEO-optimized articles?
How does SEO Writing integrate with WordPress?
Can SEO Writing generate content in different languages?
How does the bulk generation feature work in SEO Writing?
What does the SEO Writing checker do?
What technologies does SEO Writing utilize?
What are the pre-trained models available in SEO Writing for affiliate content?
How does the SEO Writing special editor work?
What are the different types of content that SEO Writing can generate?
What are the steps to generate content using SEO Writing?
Can SEO Writing create product listings?
What is the auto-publish feature of SEO Writing?
How does SEO Writing help optimize my article for search engine results?
Does SEO Writing provide real-time quality scores for the content?
How does SEO Writing support keyword optimization?
Can SEO Writing assist in generating blog posts, reviews, and guide articles?
How does SEO Writing help speed up product listing creation?
How user-friendly is SEO Writing for new users?
What makes SEO Writing an essential tool for marketers and bloggers?

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