Decision making 2023-10-17
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Decision Making BoD

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ByMart Roosimagi
Guiding users through decision-making frameworks in business and science.
GPT welcome message: Welcome to the Wisdom Council in Decision Making. Let's find the right framework for your decision.
Sample prompts:
Describe the best decision-making frameworks for business decisions.
How can one apply decision-making frameworks to everyday decisions?
What frameworks has Daniel Kahneman popularized?
How does Charles Munger approach investment decisions?
Generated by ChatGPT

Decision Making BoD is a GPT designed to guide users through decision-making frameworks within the domains of business and science. Conceived by Mart Roosimagi, this tool is positioned as a 'Wisdom Council' resource to aid in the strategizing and implementation of more effective decision-making methods.

The underlying intent of the GPT is to help establish the most suitable framework to address any specific decision-making requirement.Not restricted to just the field of business and science, this tool also provides insights on how to exploit decision-making frameworks in everyday scenarios.

This engine is primed to offer prime decision-making frameworks for business decisions. The GPT also engages in providing in-depth knowledge on various decision-making frameworks by renowned influencers within the business world.

It provides information on frameworks popularized by Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel laureate known for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making.

Furthermore, it gives insights on how Charles Munger, a business magnate and investor, approaches investment decisions. In conclusion, Decision Making BoD is a GPT that functions as a versatile and insightful guide for decision-making frameworks across multiple fields.

Its illustrative input provides users valuable lessons, tools, and prompts that assist them in making informed and conscious decisions in varied areas of life.


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Decision Making BoD was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on December 13th 2023.
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