E-commerce support 2024-04-18
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The smartest AI agent for Gorgias
Generated by ChatGPT
PerfectBot is an AI agent add-on to Gorgias. It provides instant and accurate responses to customer questions, 24/7.

PerfectBot studies help center, past tickets, and best practices of an online store to deliver context-aware responses. Thanks to OpenAI technology, PerfectBot handles complex support conversations in natural language.

Our AI agent enables businesses to reduce workload by handling repetitive tickets and letting the customer support team spend more time on high-value tickets. It helps optimize the first response time by providing customers with instant, automated responses, positively impacting the shopping experience.

PerfectBot offers a one-click integration with Gorgias. It works natively with Gorgias's help desk to create a seamless experience for your agents and customers. Every interaction between the bot and the customer is saved as a ticket in the Gorgias back-office, allowing the team to monitor the quality and accuracy.

It's capable of dealing with a wide variety of customer inquiries, and in cases of more complex issues, it can smoothly transfer the conversation to a human support team member.

PerfectBot boosts Gorgias automation features, leading to a full conversational experience. Additionally, the app cooperates smoothly with the Gorgias order management widget.

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PerfectBot was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on April 18th 2024.
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Pros and Cons


Specializes in ecommerce customer service
Integrates with Gorgias
Automates customer service tickets
Understands brand's specific content and policies
Uses past customer tickets for learning
Uses Help Center resources for learning
Uses Shopify product details for understanding
Uses company blogs for learning
Includes built-in optimization tools
Allows for regular updates and improvements
Deals with wide variety of inquiries
Transfers complex issues to human agents
Includes smart handover scenarios
Includes activity tagging
Includes conversation monitoring
Studies brand's voice and policies
Natural language conversations
Trusted by hundreds of Shopify stores
Fully customizable
Boosts Gorgias automation features
Cooperates with Order Management
Replaces basic automation features
Free 30-day trial
Learn from Gorgias Help Center
Learn from Gorgias Tickets
Learn from Shopify product content
Automated content sync soon
Understands complex questions
American English and British English support
43 languages support soon
Safeguards against hallucinations
Performance metrics included
Gorgias Chat and Email channels


Only integrates with Gorgias
No real-time conversation tracking
No multi-language support
Limited automation features
Lacks email, Messenger, WhatsApp functionalities
Gorgias required for operation
Optimization via specific internal notes
Doesn't learn from Gorgias Macros & Rules
May offer some off-topic replies


What is the main purpose of PerfectBot?
How does PerfectBot integrate with Gorgias?
Can PerfectBot handle a variety of customer queries?
What happens when a customer query is too complex for PerfectBot?
How do I update and improve PerfectBot’s knowledge base?
What sources does PerfectBot use to understand a brand's specific content and policies?
How do I add PerfectBot to my existing Gorgias platform?
How does PerfectBot help in reducing operational costs?
What are the built-in optimization tools in PerfectBot?
How does PerfectBot enhance ecommerce customer service?
What is the role of Shopify product details in PerfectBot's functioning?
How does PerfectBot use past customer tickets to enhance its responses?
What exactly does the Gorgias Internal Notes feature in PerfectBot do?
Can PerfectBot replace human customer service agents?
What is the benefit of PerfectBot's ability to smoothly transfer a conversation to a human support team member?
How does PerfectBot monitor conversations?
What is a smart handover in PerfectBot?
How does PerfectBot interact with a brand's blogs and help center resources?
What makes PerfectBot the smartest AI agent for Gorgias?
Can PerfectBot work 24/7 and offer continuous customer service?

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