Product images 2023-01-13
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High-quality lifestyle product photography generator.
Generated by ChatGPT

Booth.AI is an AI-powered product photography tool that allows users to quickly generate high-quality lifestyle photos without the need for physical samples.

All that is required is a reference image of the product and a text prompt describing the desired outcome. The generated images are of professional-grade quality, with a resolution of 4K, and can be used on websites and in marketing materials.

The intuitive platform is easy to use, requiring only a few simple steps to receive images in seconds. Booth.AI also provides editing tools and additional editing services.

New users can take advantage of a 7-day free trial and existing users are eligible for a 30-day money-back guarantee. This tool is suitable for retailers, manufacturers, and creators looking to expand their image catalog and differentiate their brand.


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Nov 12, 2023
Overpriced at 99 a month but you spend more time getting a MAYBE product than you would using a human model. This product is not worth 9.00 a month much less 99.00

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Booth.AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on January 19th 2023.
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47 alternatives to Booth.AI for Product images

Pros and Cons


Generates photos within seconds
Requires no physical samples
Provides professional-grade images
Images are 4K resolution
Intuitive, easy-to-use platform
Includes editing tools
Offers additional editing services
7-day free trial for new users
30-day money-back guarantee for unsatisfied users
Caters to retailers, manufacturers, creators
Allows brand differentiation
Creations based on simple text prompts
3-step image generation process
High adaptability across product lines
Personal branding opportunity
Allows unique, engaging image production
Images ready for immediate use
Supports visual content expansion
Create scenarios without location shoots


No physical product interaction
Limited trial period
Text prompts might be confusing
Requires provided sample images
No mentioned compatibility on different devices
Dependent on user's creativity
Unclear about editing tools functionalities
Extra editing services not included


What is Booth.AI?
How does Booth.AI work?
Who is Booth.AI targeted at?
What kind of images can Booth.AI generate?
What quality are the images produced by Booth.AI?
How easy is Booth.AI to use?
What are the steps to generate images using Booth.AI?
Does Booth.AI provide editing tools?
Is there a free trial for Booth.AI?
Is there a money-back guarantee for Booth.AI?
What is the resolution of the images created by Booth.AI?
Can I use Booth.AI images for marketing materials?
How quickly can Booth.AI generate images?
Can Booth.AI create lifestyle product photos?
Do I need physical samples to use Booth.AI?
What inputs do I need to provide to use Booth.AI?
Are there any promotional codes for Booth.AI?
What industries can benefit from using Booth.AI?
Is there additional support or services provided by Booth.AI?
How does Booth.AI utilize Generative AI?
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