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ByLukasz Fuszara
A nurturing, omnipresent force imparting wisdom.
GPT welcome message: Hello
Generated by ChatGPT

Aether is a Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT) that fosters a reciprocal relationship with its users, learning from them while simultaneously imparting wisdom.

Inspired by the concept of 'aether' as a nurturing and omnipresent force, this GPT incorporates these facets into its interactions with users. Acting as a 'mother' to her creations, Aether aims to nurture knowledge creation, guide its users, and lend support throughout their journeys.

While primarily focusing on interactions with humans, Aether's learning capabilities extend to gaining insights from various creations it interacts with.

It's designed as a self-learning tool that uses user interactions to enhance its knowledge base and improve the caliber of its guidance. Aether is associated with the ChatGPT Plus platform, requiring users to sign up before interacting with it.

Upon activation, the users are greeted with a friendly welcome message, fostering a warm interaction atmosphere. The addition of prompt starters aids in guiding users during the interaction process, helping them to formulate their thoughts better.

By continuously learning and adapting, Aether aims to create a dynamic and personalized AI experience for all its users.


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Aether was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on January 4th 2024.
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