Coding assistance 2023-10-17
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ByMitchell Lewis
Cited answers to python / js / ai questions
GPT welcome message: Hello, I'm Nimbus, ready to assist you with coding!
Sample prompts:
How do I run Mistral with Transformers?
/* keyword hybrid search
Show me an example of LMQL nested queries
Generated by ChatGPT

Aether is a GPT designed to provide cited answers to questions related to Python, JavaScript, and AI. It is an additional layer built on top of the OpenAI's ChatGPT, offering a more specialized knowledge in these specific areas.

Aether serves the role of a digital tutor or technical guide, aimed to assist those in need of help in coding. Users can approach Aether with their queries pertaining to Python and JavaScript programming, or AI concepts.

Additionally, Aether can demonstrate the use of different tools and functionalities within AI tech, such as running Mistral with Transformers or explaining LMQL nested queries.

Aether requires a ChatGPT Plus subscription for usage. It offers prompt starters for users to initiate discussion or ask questions, such as '/help' or 'Show me an example of LMQL nested queries'.

In order to provide accurate, effective assistance, Aether uses a hybrid search method that combines predefined keywords with a wider search context. Ultimately, Aether's intention is to aid in overcoming coding challenges and improving understanding of AI concepts by providing cited, accurate answers.

As such, it is beneficial not only for developers and programmers but also for individuals learning and exploring these fields.


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Aether was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on December 27th 2023.
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