Content 2022-02-19
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Fabrie AI

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Collaboration platform for design teams.
Generated by ChatGPT

Fabrie is an online collaboration platform that provides a shared space for team collaboration and design. The platform is designed to bring virtual whiteboarding to a digital experience, making it easy for teams to brainstorm ideas and share them in real-time.

With Fabrie, users can document research, create mind maps, flowcharts, drawings, sticky notes, and insights, all in one place. The tool enables teams to communicate and collaborate anytime, anywhere, even asynchronously.

Fabrie is particularly useful for designers, as it allows them to organize and manage design files, view drawings on the go, create mood boards, and share design iterations with clients.

The platform comes with a number of design templates that can be modified and saved for later use. One of the unique features of Fabrie is its use of infinite canvas that can meet tables, enabling design thinking and making all in one place.

The platform also includes a user-friendly database that allows teams to manage materials and link items on the board without coding. Additionally, Fabrie comes with a web clipper and a desktop app, making it easy for users to access the tool from different devices.

Overall, Fabrie is an essential tool for designers looking for a flexible and collaborative space to explore bold ideas and streamline their design process.


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Fabrie AI was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on March 6th 2023.
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Pros and Cons


Infinite canvas for design
Real-time brainstorm sharing
Create mind maps
Flowcharts, drawings creation
Sticky notes feature
In-tool team communication
Can be used asynchronously
Design file organization
Mobile view of drawings
Mood boards creation
Client design iteration sharing
Design templates provided
User-friendly team database
Board item linking
Web clipper included
Desktop app available
Digital whiteboarding
Design review documenting
Streamlining presentations feature
Archiving design iterations
Material library managing
Frame for presentation mode
Objects as movable items
Content grouping
Visual file handling
Drag and drop organizing
Batch form organization
Fast item find feature
Synced record creation
Editable templates included
Professional templates provided
Workspace customization
Manage conversations with clients
Document conversations feature


Lacks advanced commenting system
No offline mode
No version control
No integration with popular tools
Not suitable for non-designers
Infinite canvas may overwhelm
No mobile app
Limited customization
Requires constant internet connection
No multi-language support

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