Images 2024-05-06
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Tess Design

Generate illustrations that benefit the artists.
Generated by ChatGPT
Tess is the first and only AI Image Generator that pays artists when it uses their visual style. Each Tess model is trained with an artist's specific style (on 10-20 images), generating illustrations in that same unique aesthetic.

Artists can opt for a private model, which they use themselves, or a public model where they can earn usage royalties when customers use their generator.

Because every model is properly licensed through a transparent Contributor Agreement, creators can use Tess without fear of copyright infringement. 70% of people think an artist should be compensated when AI copies their style; Tess is the first platform that makes this possible.

Tess also incorporates an image editing feature that empowers users to tailor the generated images, refind prompts, erase extra elements, and generate in any aspect ratio.

For teams looking for branded illustrations or editorial art, Tess offers the ability to create or select a single style. Maintain a consistent aesthetic across all your content with Tess.

Community ratings

Average from 5 ratings.

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May 2, 2024
Very expensive for general users (The most basic access is $20 a month and the top tier is $80). Seems interesting for artists, but seems odd to spend $20-80 a month to generate art in your own style, so unless you make your models public not sure it makes much sense.
May 2, 2024
"no pricing" yet you only get 1 prompt for free
May 1, 2024
For a blogger, Tess is way easier to use than other prompt generators. You can get prompt ideas, use an AI eraser, paste the full text of an article to get prompts, re-generate, fix mistakes, upscale, and more. I love the image to image feature. Knowing which artist you're generating in their style makes the platform feel more human-centric and more ethical.

Feature requests

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Tess Design was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on May 1st 2024.
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Pros and Cons


Compensates artists financially
Artist's style training
Share custom models publicly
Artist earns from model utilization
Artists maintain control and ownership
Focuses on proper licensing
Secures artists' consent
Generates copyright-safe images
Includes image editing feature
Tailored image generation
Accessible web interface
Offers style consistency
Facilitates branded illustrations
Positively positions artists technologically
Potential profit increase
Avails time for personalized projects
Supports digital art industry
Consistent style in original art
Partners with real artists
License-secured image generation
Single place for branded illustrations
Generates consistent illustrations
Offers free usage


Limited to artist's style
Inability to combine styles
No offline mode
Dependent on artist consent
Potential earnings inconsistency
Limited customization options
One single style for teams
Overemphasis on artist rights
No support for 3D illustrations


How does Tess financially compensate artists for their work?
How can Tess be trained with an artist's specific style?
How can artists share their custom models publicly on Tess?
How do artists earn from Tess when their models are utilized?
How does Tess help maintain control and ownership of artists' work?
How does Tess ensure proper licensing and artist's consent?
How does Tess make generated images copyright-safe?
What image editing features does Tess provide to users?
How can Tess be used to create branded illustrations?
How does Tess help in maintaining a consistent aesthetic across all content?
How does Tess integrate AI into the profession of artists?
How can Tess simplify tasks and potentially boost profits for artists?
How can Tess avail artists the time for more personalized or niche projects?
How is Tess different from other AI image generators?
How does Tess support artists in the digital art and graphics industry?
How does Tess ensure the production of original art in a defined style?
What is the process to train a private model on Tess?
How can artists earn when their model is used on Tess?
How to create consistent illustrations using Tess?
How does Tess ensure that images are generated with the artist's legal consent?

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