Images 2024-01-30
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AI Photo Wizard

Create and edit images with AI, effortlessly.
Generated by ChatGPT

AI Photo Wizard is an instant access, free image generating and image editing web app utilizing AI. Its main function involves creating an AI image from a given text prompt, providing users an application of AI in graphic design and art.

Another significant feature includes image editing operations such as applying artistic filters to images, which enables both minor aesthetic changes and significant transformations in the image's appearance.

Furthermore, AI Photo Wizard offers the function of image inpainting that plays a crucial role in editing images by filling in any missing parts or unwanted content.

AI Photo Wizard also provides tools for background removal, contributing to its image editing utilities. Users can access all of these functionalities without needing to subscribe or log in, which facilitates not only ease of use but also quick and efficient image manipulation.

Payments are processed to generate the images, and an email is required only for sending the payment receipt, ensuring minimal data collection. Note that AI Photo Wizard does not allow the use of celebrities or not safe for work (nsfw) content.

Updates and terms of use are also provided to keep users informed of any changes or requirements.


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Jan 31, 2024
Creating a prompt it told me language in my prompt was inappropriate. A thorough word analysis left me mystified. Apparently dragon, pixie, butterflies, forest glade, glasses, book, bubbling brook or, the,or and triggered some bogus protection.
Feb 1, 2024
Our system definitely flags certain prompts, but do you mind explaining how you carried out this 'thorough word analysis' if you're only allowed 3 free image generations per day, and I can see that you didn't pay for any generations yesterday. Furthermore, the system logs all flagged prompts in case we are wrong about a prompt and someone needs to be refunded. Yet I don't see any of these words in any of the flagged attempts.
Feb 1, 2024
Brian, thank you for your reply. I wanted to try a sample rendering and used the words stated in my description of a dragon with glasses reading in a forest glen with butterflies and pixies. I got a message telling me my prompt contained inappropriate language. I tried rewriting the prompt but never got an image. No I did not pay, I thought there was an opportunity to do 3 free renderings to sample the quality. I was bemused by the response to my prompt.
Feb 1, 2024
You're indeed allowed 3 freebies per day btw. You'd just have to wait until 24 hours after your last failed attempt to obtain another free one.
Feb 1, 2024
I understand your dissatisfaction and we apologize for it. We have found the culprit and your prompt will work now if you were to accept the app update and if you're even interested in trying again. If you care to know, our flagging of the word 'butt' was causing the issue with the word butterflies. Stupid mistake on my part, and thanks for the comments.

Feature requests

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AI Photo Wizard was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on January 30th 2024.

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Pros and Cons


Generates images from text
Text-to-Image capability
Artistic filters for images
Image transformation options
Image inpainting feature
Background removal tools
No subscription needed
No login required
Quick image manipulation
Minimal data collection
Receipt email only
Update notifications
Transparent terms of use
User privacy prioritized
Payment processing functionality
Informs about content restrictions
Compliance with safety standards
Multiple image editing utilities
Direct access to functionalities
User feedback mechanisms
Art Creation Tools
Graphic Design Options


No subscription service
No free trials
Restricted content rules
No multi-platform support
No direct data input
Requires payment upfront
No user accounts
Limited image editing tools
Cannot handle complex designs
No celebrity images


What is AI Photo Wizard?
How does AI Photo Wizard generate images from text prompts?
Can AI Photo Wizard edit existing images?
What are the artistic filters that AI Photo Wizard applies to images?
What is the 'image inpainting' feature of AI Photo Wizard?
Can AI Photo Wizard remove background from images?
Do I need to subscribe or log in to use AI Photo Wizard tools?
What is the payment process to generate images using AI Photo Wizard?
Is my personal information safe with AI Photo Wizard?
What type of images are not allowed in AI Photo Wizard?
Can I get updates and review terms of use of AI Photo Wizard?
How does AI Photo Wizard use AI in graphic design and art creation?
How significant are the transformations AI photo wizard can apply?
What kinds of minor aesthetic changes can I make with AI photo wizard?
Do I need any experience in graphic design to use AI Photo Wizard?
Can I access AI Photo Wizard instantly?
What happens when I pay for image generation?
How do the terms of use affect how I can use AI Photo Wizard?
Can I get customer support for AI Photo wizard?
What is AI Photo Wizard's stance on privacy and data collection?

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