Job Search 2024-04-05
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Discover $100K+ remote jobs effortlessly with Jobsolv's AI job board.
Generated by ChatGPT
Automated Job Search & Applications

Land Top Remote Jobs in the US the Easy Way

Welcome to Jobsolv, where we make finding great remote jobs simple and fast.

What You Get with Jobsolv:

Exclusive $100K+ Job Listings: Check out top remote and hybrid jobs that match what you're looking for, updated every day.

Jobs That Fit You: Just upload your resume, and our smart AI will show you jobs you're perfect for.

Quick Resume Fixes: Click once, and our AI tweaks your resume for each job, making sure it gets noticed. It learns from successful resumes to give you an edge.

Easy Apply in One Click: Forget filling out forms over and over. Our system applies for you, making sure you're in the running for your dream job without the hassle.

Your Info Stays Safe: We take your privacy seriously. Your data is securely stored and protected, always with your privacy in mind.

Why Choose Jobsolv?

We know job hunting can be tough. That's why Jobsolv is here to help make it easier and more personal. From finding new opportunities to getting your resume just right, we do the hard work for you. This way, you can focus on landing that next big opportunity.

Start Your Job Search Journey Now

Ready for a better way to find your next job? Join Jobsolv today and see how easy and effective your job search can be. Your next great job could be just a click away.

Community ratings

Average from 13 ratings.

How would you rate Jobsolv?

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May 18, 2024
Totally thought Jobsolv was too good to be true. It sounded like one of those sites that promise the moon but deliver nothing. But I was so tired of the regular job search slog that I decided to give it a shot anyway. So, cut the long story short, it delivered. If you're on the fence about Jobsolv, that's totally normal. But hey, it's worth checking out. It definitely helped me get my foot in the door at some awesome companies.
May 9, 2024
All of the comments seem fake if you ask me so I can only assume it's not as good as praised
May 9, 2024
Hi Caleb, I welcome you to try the software first before making a judgment. Happy to answer any questions that you have! [email protected]
Apr 24, 2024
Jobsolv is a game-changer for job seekers. It customizes resumes for each application and handles the process effortlessly. Thanks to Jobsolv, I've had more interviews and even landed my dream job. Highly recommended!
Apr 24, 2024
Coudln't even see the job board to know whether or not there were any jobs I wanted to sumbit my resume to. WTF? It just kept asking for my resume to upload again when I clicked Job Board. No tech support.
Apr 24, 2024
Hi Margaret, Once you upload your resume, you'll be taken straight to the Job Board where you can see all the jobs that match your skills. It will not prompt you to upload your resume again! If you wanted to apply to a certain job and you clicked on Autoapply for the first time, you'll just need to provide some details to help us submit your applications accurately. Got more questions? Feel free to email us at [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist you!
Apr 13, 2024
Jobsolv has been a total game-changer for me! This app takes the hassle out of job hunting by customizing my resume for each application and handling the entire process with just a click. It's like having a personal assistant for my job search! Highly recommend giving it a try!
Apr 13, 2024
I've been using Jobsolv lately, and it's been fantastic. It customizes my resume for each job I apply to and handles the whole application process. No more spamming resumes! Thanks to Jobsolv, I had three interviews lined up last week. It's made job hunting so much easier for me!
Apr 7, 2024
Jobsolv makes applying to jobs so easy. I love being able to find a position and just have to click apply and it tailors my resume to the position for me and sends off the application with no work from me. It actually makes job searching fun - I spend 5 minutes picking out jobs I want to apply to each day and just click auto apply and Im done!
Apr 6, 2024
I really suggest trying Jobsolv. I just used it last week after being laid off and needing to revise my resume. Good thing, Jobsolv did an excellent job restructuring my entire resume, resulting in more interview opportunities for me. After that I got my dream job. My friend recommended it to me and I'm very thankful for it.
Apr 6, 2024
I've tried lots of online job services before, but this one's a winner! It's a huge time-saver and makes applying to multiple jobs so easy with just one click, especially after customizing your resume. You've really made job hunting simpler! I totally recommend it!
Apr 4, 2024
I have used Jobsolv for my job applications, and one thing I love so much about them is that they tailored my resume to suit each application. That was really awesome!
Apr 4, 2024
If you hate the time-consuming process of job searching, then you must check out Jobsolv. The AI automatically finds jobs, tailors your resume for each position, and applies on your behalf. All you do is wait for job interviews to arrive in your inboxβ€”no effort required.

Feature requests

Are you looking for a specific feature that's not present in Jobsolv?
Jobsolv was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on April 4th 2024.

59 alternatives to Jobsolv for Job Search

Pros and Cons


High-paying remote job focus
Integrated job board
Resume tailoring feature
One-click application process
Partnership with AWS for security
Flexible credit system
Exclusive job listings
Personalized signature service
Offers free plan
Focuses on ATS-friendly resumes
Automatic resume customization
Data privacy commitment
User-friendly interface
Job application automation
Scouts web for fresh postings
Removes low-quality job listings
First-mover advantage against competitors
Option for expertly crafted resumes
30-day interview guarantee
Career manager for guidance
Supports remote job searches
Specializes in $100k+ roles
Referral program available


Limited to $100K+ jobs
Charges for resume tailoring
Dependent on credit system
Doesn't support non-remote roles
Lacks wide job variety
Higher-tier plans needed for customization
Entry-level job seekers excluded
Requires one credit per application
Suitable only for experienced professionals
No instant customer support availability


What is Jobsolv?
What job roles can I find on Jobsolv?
How does Jobsolv's 'Resume Tailoring' feature work?
What does the 'One-Click Apply' feature entail?
How does Jobsolv ensure data security?
What is the credit system on Jobsolv for?
What are the different plans that Jobsolv offers?
What additional features are included in Jobsolv Signature Service?
How is Jobsolv beneficial for job seekers?
What are the testimonials about Jobsolv?
What makes Jobsolv better compared to other job search tools?
How does Jobsolv identify high-quality, high-paying remote and hybrid positions?
How does Jobsolv help in making my resume ATS-friendly?
Does Jobsolv share or sell its user data to third-party entities?
What types of jobs are available on the Jobsolv Job Board?
Can you give more insights about the AWS partnership for data security?
How does Jobsolv determine that a job is a high-paying one?
What is the cost for using Jobsolv's services?
How does Jobsolv prioritize user-friendliness in its platform?
How does Jobsolv's AI algorithm cater to the needs of niche job seekers?

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