Images 2024-06-13
Openjourney Bot icon

Openjourney Bot

Generates unique art from text prompts.
Generated by ChatGPT

Openjourney Bot, a discord bot developed by Project Razer LLC, is a free tool designed to generate AI art quickly based on a user's provided text prompt.

It has the ability to combine various concepts, styles, and attributes in its creations, providing users with unique and beautiful images generated in under 10 seconds.

Openjourney has multiple model options, and users can select a model to generate different variations of images. The tool is constantly adding newer models to improve the user experience.

There is a cooldown period of 120 seconds when the bot generates an image, and users have 100 tokens per month to produce images every 120 seconds. Supporting the community through Patreon allows for reduced cooldown time and extra bonus tokens to generate more images.

Bits, an in-tool currency, can be used to create images, and every user receives 100 free bits each month. By making a donation, users receive extra tokens to generate more images.

Openjourney Bot is an entirely free tool, and its AI algorithm uses its trained knowledge of image creation to generate unique images that meet users' specifications.

With the tool, users can begin their journey by typing their desired prompt in the chat and seeing the image evolve quickly. Openjourney Bot is an easy-to-use and free tool that can generate unique and beautiful AI art for users in Discord.


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Sep 7, 2023
We don't want kids like you to access NSFW in these types of ways. Grow up and then decide what to do.
Jun 13, 2023
this bot is heavily censored... asking for a woman on the beach wearing a bikini you get warning you will be banned
Jun 13, 2023
I add this bot in a private 18 channel ask for a woman in a bikini and it warns me it will ban me, if i expected to pay i should be able go what ever i want in my own private 18 server on discord... epic fail this bot

Feature requests

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Openjourney Bot was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on May 25th 2023.

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Pros and Cons


Generates art from text prompts
Multiple model options
Creates images in under 10 seconds
Unique and beautiful image generation
Monthly provision of tokens
Cooldown period to prevent abuse
Reduced cooldown through Patreon support
Bonus tokens for Patreon supporters
Free in-tool currency (bits) monthly
Extra tokens through donations
Regular addition of newer models
Can combine various concepts/styles
Paywall free usage
Completely free tool
Community support through Patreon
Rewards for Patreon supporters
Model selection feature
Quick image evolution
Can be used on Discord
Has an easy-to-use interface
Anime-style image generation
Futuristic art generation
Intuitive text prompting system
Quick model selection and rendering
Easy generation of different variations
Model variation based on choice
Fast and efficient service
Allows creation of multiple attributes
Receives ongoing updates and improvements
Close-cooldown feature for frequent users
4 new models to play with
Responsive and user-oriented tool
Option to reduce cooldown time
Custom images to meet specifications
Start for free, no subscription
Creating images costs one bit
User receives benefits for donations
Retains user preferences for images
Auto-evolution feature for image generation
Meticulous detail in image rendering
The ability to modify creations
Possibility to make unique portraits
Images from any desired prompt
Access to state-of-the-art features
Encourages user-driven model choice
Generates images based on user prompts
Supports different variations of images
Handles futuristic to natural concepts
User-driven image styling options
Great rewards for the community
Supports personalized theme creations


Cooldown of 120 seconds
Limited to 100 tokens/month
Requires Patreon for benefits
Discord-specific tool
Requires bits for operation
Regular model selection necessary
Pay to reduce cooldown
Donation needed for extra tokens


What is Openjourney Bot?
How does Openjourney Bot generate AI art?
How can I use Openjourney Bot on Discord?
What is the process to generate an image with Openjourney Bot?
What are the model options in Openjourney Bot?
How often are new models added to Openjourney Bot?
Why does Openjourney Bot have a cooldown period?
What are the benefits of supporting Openjourney Bot on Patreon?
What are Bits in Openjourney Bot?
How many tokens do users get monthly in Openjourney Bot?
How can I get more tokens in Openjourney Bot?
What is the function of the 'Imagine' command in Openjourney Bot?
What are some example prompts I can use with Openjourney Bot?
Is Openjourney Bot a free tool?
What happens to my cooldown time if I support Openjourney Bot on Patreon?
Can I choose different models to generate variations of images with Openjourney Bot?
What is the system abuse prevention in Openjourney Bot?
What unique features does Openjourney Bot offer?
How quick is the image generation process in Openjourney Bot?
How does Openjourney Bot use its AI algorithm to create images?

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