Images 2024-01-14
Generador de imagen Pro icon

Generador de imagen Pro

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ByMaximiliano Guzman
Friendly and professional tool for generating and iterating images in Spanish.
GPT welcome message: ¡Hola! ¿Listo para crear algunas imágenes increíbles juntos?
Sample prompts:
¿Puedes crear una imagen de una ciudad futurista?
¿Tienes ideas para un logotipo de mi panadería?
Genera una ilustración de un paisaje sereno.
¿Puedes modificar esta imagen para que tenga un estilo vintage?
Generated by ChatGPT

Generador de imagen Pro is a GPT designed to cater to Spanish-speaking users in creating and iterating images. Developed by Maximiliano Guzman, Generador de imagen Pro sits on top of the parent application ChatGPT and extends the latter's natural language understanding capabilities to serve a specific workflow - generating and modifying images based on textual description or interaction.

Leveraging the power of Generative Pre-training Transformer technology, it helps users easily generate a range of visuals, right from futuristic city landscapes, illustrations of serene scenery, to modifications in images in response to user requests (such as creating a vintage style for an image).

It also assists in brainstorming ideas for designs like a bakery logo. When initiating a discussion with this tool, the prompt starts by asking the user if they are ready to create incredible images, setting the stage for a creative dialogue and facilitating the smooth generation of image-related tasks.

It should be noted that to benefit from Generador de imagen Pro's offerings, it is required to sign up for ChatGPT Plus. Both beginners and professionals in the field may therefore find this tool helpful in fulfilling their image generation and modification needs.


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Generador de imagen Pro was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on January 24th 2024.
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