Website building 2024-06-18
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Dream App

By unverified author. Claim this AI
Build fully-functional web apps in minutes.
Generated by ChatGPT

Dream is an AI-powered, no-code tool designed to facilitate the building of fully-functional web apps in minimal time. Proposing itself as the easiest way to build web apps, Dream encourages users to describe their envisioned app, which the tool then synthesizes, allowing immediate publication and sharing.

The application examples cited, range from developing a GPT-3.5 medical advice chatbot, to creating an elegant landing page for a restaurant, designing an analytics dashboard, or setting up a personal blog.

This suggests the tool supports a wide variety of use-cases, making it versatile and suited to different needs. Dream v2 includes functionalities like complex style and logic changes, where users can modify their apps design by describing and generating desired changes.

The service provides the option to select the app version to publish and connect to a custom domain, thus simplifying the deployment process. The platform comes with an array of features such as powerful integrations including OpenAI and Stripe, instant deployments to custom domains or subdomains, and built-in functionality for database and authentication integrations.

The experience is further enhanced with AI-assisted chat and AI-generated suggestions to expedite the development process. It accommodates developers by allowing code modifications directly within the editor and automatically debugging and fixing issues in the app.In summary, Dream is intended to be a comprehensive solution for users of varying technical abilities to efficiently build, deploy and manage functional web apps.


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Jul 20, 2023
couldn't create a website
Jun 3, 2023
Seems like it would be a good product but I generated a site and it was too basic, then clicking the links in the site demo caused the entire page to open within an iframe inside itself. Too beta still, I'd try something else.
May 24, 2023
Develop a simple website

Feature requests

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Dream App was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on May 8th 2023.
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Pros and Cons


No-code builder
Supports multiple use-cases
Aids in collaboration
Builds minimum viable products
Offers immediate publication
Includes complex style changes
Enables logic changes
Option to connect to custom domain
Equipped with powerful integrations
Provides instant deployments
Built-in database functionalities
Allows code modification
Automatically debugs
Automatically fixes issues
Supports large-scale deployments
Enables sharing
Supports landing page design
Allows blog creation
Simplifies app version selection
Authentication integrations
Allows analytics dashboard design
Versatile tool
Efficient for MVP creation


In private beta stage
Waitlist for access
No version control support
Does not mention security
Reliance on user descriptions
Lacks multilingual support
Limited integration options
No offline capabilities
Debugging effectiveness unclear
Limited user reviews


What is Dream App?
How does Dream help build web applications?
What is the meaning of 'no-code' in relation to Dream?
What is the role of AI in Dream?
Can I export my created site to code using Dream?
How is the building of products faster in Dream compared to traditional methods?
What does it mean that Dream is currently in private beta testing?
Is any coding skill needed to use Dream?
What types of products can be built using Dream?
Is Dream useful for startups?
What could be built with GPT-3.5 in Dream?
Can Dream be used to design landing pages?
Can Dream handle complex style and logic changes to apps?
Does Dream support custom domain connections?
What type of integrations does Dream offer?
Does Dream allow for database and authentication integrations?
What is the role of the AI-assisted chat in Dream?
Can I modify the source code of my app inside Dream?
Does Dream automatically fix issues in the app?
Can I use Dream to build a chatbot?
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