Chatbots 2024-06-17
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Empower your business with a 24/7 AI Chatbot.
Generated by ChatGPT

ChatFast is a platform designed to empower businesses with a 24/7 AI chatbot. The AI chatbot has a range of functionalities, including answering customer questions, capturing leads, and scheduling appointments.

Despite its extensive capabilities, no coding is required to create and use this chatbot. The platform allows users to train their chatbot using various data sources, and to add custom Q&A to guide the chatbot in answering specific inquiries.

The ChatFast chatbot also has the ability to gather visitor information such as name, email, and phone number and can provide insights on why visitors are reaching out.

It can understand and interact in over 95 different languages, adjusting its responses based on the language in which it was asked the question, providing a valuable resource for businesses with customers from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

The platform supports multiple data formats such as plain text, PDFs, and URLs. ChatFast offers API access for paid plans and does not offer a free trial, although a free-tier option is available to experience their services.


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Jun 1, 2023
I had the pleasure of using ChatFast: an exceptional tool that simplifies website crawling and enables customizable Q

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ChatFast was manually vetted by our editorial team and was first featured on April 30th 2023.
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Pros and Cons


Supports multiple data formats
Automated customer support available
Capable of multi-language response
Custom Q&A addable
Visitors' information capture
Chatbot can be embedded on websites
API access for paid plans
Free-tier option available
Supports over 50 languages
Customer support via email
No coding required
Chatbot training feature
Lead generation capabilities
Appointment scheduling possible
Supports text, PDFs, URLs
Supports images with text processing
Can answer in asked language
Analyses user-provided data
Gathers visitors' name, email, phone number
Insights on why visitors reaching out


No free trial
Limited API access
Potential language inaccuracies
Data source restrictions
Limited support for images
Scan quality impacts training
Absence of in-built coding
Not entirely open source
Limited custom Q&A
Constraints in data formats


What is ChatFast?
How can I use my own data with ChatFast?
Can ChatFast analyze PDF documents?
Is it possible for ChatFast to understand and extract data from images with text?
How does ChatFast train my chatbot?
Can I add custom Q&A to my ChatFast chatbot?
In what ways does ChatFast collect visitor information?
Can I use ChatFast in different languages?
How does ChatFast manage questions asked in different languages?
Can I embed my ChatFast chatbot on my website?
Do I have API access with my ChatFast plan?
Is there a free trial option for ChatFast?
What is the free-tier option in ChatFast?
How do I contact ChatFast support for my questions?
Can ChatFast schedule appointments?
Does ChatFast require coding knowledge?
What insights can I get from ChatFast about my visitors?
In what formats can I provide data for my ChatFast chatbot?
How does the multilingual support function in ChatFast?
Can ChatFast capture leads for my business?

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